i can write emails in my sleep

I thought everyone could do this...

But I was wrong. Most people don't know how to talk about themselves and when it comes to business that's not good.

It's even worse when all the big marketing pros throw out "Just Tell A Story".

I can hear you saying, "I'm not a writer.

I can let you in on a secret, I know fiction authors who can't write to their list. Writing about yourself is hard, even for them.

That's where I come in. My VIP Day Done For You Service gets you what you need... fast.

Your list can go from barely red to red-hot in less time than it takes to get a proposal.

Hi, I'm Angela "Ange Gos" Payton

Ange like orANGE, Gos like Boss.

I’m the conversion conversationalist.

Friends — follows — opt-ins, yeah, you’ve connected, but now what?

Have you ever emailed or posted and felt totally ghosted?

Reach out. I’d love to help.

I started out as a technical writer for cybersecurity companies. Those duties broadened when customers raved about the way I made complex information easy to follow.

After I retired from tech, I was drawn to copywriting. Not only was I great at it, I really loved finding the words that would not only move people emotionally, but help them see that the person talking with them could seriously help them.

Because when I help you help others... it fills my heart to know you'll change lives when you impact their world.

Connect | Converse | Convert

The True and Wandering Tale of My Facebook Name

I get this question a lot. Why is my name on Facebook, Ange Gos?

Well, it's a long story. I'd make it short, but I tend to meander and stray off the story and eventually, I get to the end. So have a seat. Get comfortable and... where was I?

Me, Channeling my inner Eminem


It really started in 2003. I got hired as a Technical Writer at Symantec, when it was still Norton Antivirus and was just changing over.

Now it was truly the coolest of jobs. The title was badass: Information Developer. Right?

I also worked in the Virus Cube. Yup, that's what the triple security area I worked in was called. I learned a lot. Like, viruses, trojans, and worms were ranked on a 1-5 scale.

Not for how dangerous or devastating they could be, mind you... seriously, not kidding.

They were ranked on how easily and fast they could spread through the internet and infect large numbers of computers.

Worms at that time, they were usually the worst.

So I asked my boss, after a particularly nasty worm was detected, a question about the rankings since most malware were in the 2-4 range.

Me: Boss! What happens if a malware hits 5?

Boss: The Internet ceases to exist.



Fast forward to Social Media's debut.

I was on Myspace. Hush, it was way better back then.

And I got an Email with an attachment.

Oh, the thing about the virus cube, if something is detected on a live computer ANYWHERE on the company network, sirens would go off and the lead engineers would track it within seconds.

Right to my desk.

The team contacted the folks at Myspace and guess what, they had no idea their system could transfer malware and that they were also infected.

So, we fixed that and by we, I mean the malware engineers. Me? I just wrote the blogs, white papers, and the 200 executives alerting them to the issue.

A little backstory fact: It was illegal then, in most countries, to have an automated honeypot system (even for cybersecurity companies).

Now a honeypot is a system that attracts and gathers malware and other data and coding.

What wasn't against the law? A live person acting like any other person on a website/application who would capture the information manually.

I was "voluntold" I would be the first. But I was concerned about privacy and safety, what with Facebook insisting on real names AND sending in the information to prove it.

They made an exception. I could use a nom de plume. So I chose a nickname for my first name (Ange, rhymes with orange, unless you're French then think Duck à l'Orange... which makes it way sexier) plus a snippet of my maiden name.

Which was then embedded or should I say enshrined in the earliest coding of Facebook.

And it can't be changed. Ever.

So Hi! I'm Angela "Ange Gos" Payton aka The Duchess — a tale for another time.

Ah memories… I wore a white hat for years and I was so proud to be a part of the team keeping big corporations, small companies, and the average internet user as safe as possible.

Helping people, it’s sort of my jam and helping them capture their essence so they show exactly who they are to their people is just an absolute pleasure.

And to think it all started with a siren.

Need help, but have questions? I have answers - none of which are; the internet will cease to exist - book a clarity call.

Imagine what life will be like when your list can't wait to hear from you?

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